Dry Sauna

Dry saunas are believed to relieve tension and stress, stimulate blood circulation, and help rejuvenate the skin through perspiration. As with a wet sauna, using a dry sauna will cause sweating to occur, thus invoking some of the same benefits of a wet sauna. In a dry sauna, the heat is much more tolerable, but the actual effect on the body is better because the heat is reaching it directly, thus producing results more quickly. Because the body still produces sweat, humidity is present, so the body is still cooled and toxins leave in much the same way as with a wet sauna. It is believed, however, the process takes place more quickly with dry heat, and that it is possible to spend more time in the sauna and reap the benefits for longer because of its tolerability.
A sauna’s dry heat has exponential benefits on the body. Saunas are quite often referred by doctors and
therapists alike to effectively treat patients’ muscular pain, rheumatism, skin problems and sports injuries.
Physically, nothing is more invigorating than a deep, healthy sweat. Tension fades. Muscles unwind.
Mentally, we release our stresses.
Go a step further. Add Himalayan Salt to the mix.
Breathing in Himalayan Salt air can help stimulate the respiratory system’s natural ability to reduce
inflammation, clear blockages, fight infections and reduce discomfort; making it extremely beneficial for
those suffering from asthma, allergies, bronchitis, colds, flus, etc. The list is endless.
You’ll look better, feel better, breathe better and stay healthy and well. Additionally, the healing
elements of the salt itself aid in stress and pain relief, boosting the body’s immune system, and it
even reduces the level of chemicals like copper and mercury in our bodies.
I’m sure you’ve heard about salt caves, by now. But salt saunas? It’s a new concept giving you double
health benefits.
Here we list a few benefits of our Himalayan Salt Sauna Stress relief:
The warm and soothing effect of the sauna will provide immediate benefit to tightened and knotted muscles. Medical reviews quite often determine that stress in our daily lives can be harmful to our health.
De-toxification: Sweating has several proven health benefits. It can help to reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and other chemicals from our bodies. These are all toxins that we are absorbed by our body by daily living. The deep sweat created by the sauna ensures that our skin is deeply purified.
Fat burning: during your relaxing and rejuvenating infrared sauna session, your body sweats and burns calories. Sweating, itself, requires a fair amount of energy. As the heart activity rises, the body starts to convert more calories into useable energy.
Pain-reliever: increased blood circulation improves nearly any condition. The delivery of oxygen-rich blood to all muscles and joints stimulates the healing process for all joint and muscle related ailments.
Boosts immune system: the sauna heat strengthens the body’s immunity, causing increased resistance to disease. Medical studies show cold and flu symptoms are reduced significantly, if treated early with sauna heat. Using a sauna also helps your immune system by raising your white blood cell count.
Skin regeneration: Sauna waves penetrate to the deep layers of the skin and help cell replacement, as well as deep cleansing of your skin. Also, beneficial in helping to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis and burns.
Breathing aid: Using a salt sauna helps with asthma, allergies, bronchitis and coughs by clearing up the respiratory system.
Insomnia: By simply using a Himalayan salt sauna on a regular basis, you can get a deeper, more relaxed sleep, thus making you feel more refreshed when it’s time to wake up.
Even if you can’t attend every day, try to start with once per week or once per month …. small steps towards a big difference in your health. In your life.